
Unlikeotherlanguagelearningapps,Memriseisbuiltaroundmasteringspecificconversations.1)Setyourlevelandimportyourstreakfromotherapps.,Memrisewillhelpyouconfidently:❤️Connectwithyourpartnerandtheirfamily✈️HaveabettertimewhiletravellingSharpenyourmind,Languages.LearnArabic·LearnChinese·LearnJapanese·LearnRussian·Learn...Youlearnthelanguagethatisusednow.Taughtbynativespeakersinvideo ...,Learnwhereve...

Memrise Easy Language Learning 12+

Unlike other language learning apps, Memrise is built around mastering specific conversations. 1) Set your level and import your streak from other apps.

Memrise: speak a new language

Memrise will help you confidently: ❤️ Connect with your partner and their family ✈️ Have a better time while travelling Sharpen your mind

Online English Courses

Languages. Learn Arabic · Learn Chinese · Learn Japanese · Learn Russian · Learn ... You learn the language that is used now. Taught by native speakers in video ...

Download the Memrise app

Learn wherever you are - even without data or WiFi (app only); Practise your speaking with pronunciation exercises (app only); Choose from over 22 languages ...

Learn A Language

Our app aims to teach you how to learn a language fast – for real use in real-life scenarios. That means with our courses: You can learn a language in a year, 1 ...

Online language courses for English speakers

Pick your perfect language now · I want to learn... · French · Spanish (Spain) · Korean · Japanese.

Learn a language. Memrise is authentic, useful & personalised.

Learn a language as it's used now. Immerse yourself in lessons that feature videos of native speakers, so you start speaking real life language, fast.

Learn Chinese Language with Memrise

Memrise finds you thousands of authentic video lessons to learn Chinese, featuring the exact words you've just learned.

Learn Spanish Language with Memrise

Memrise finds you thousands of authentic video lessons to learn Spanish, featuring the exact words you've just learned.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
